An Iron Fist Mystery Solved: Sparrow and the Blue-Eyed Servant Girl

The identities of Sparrow and the blue-eyed servant girl have been a mystery to Iron Fist fans, but not so much because we don’t know who they are. These women have similar stories that make them difficult to separate and so many of us have considered them to be one and the same person. ButContinueContinue reading “An Iron Fist Mystery Solved: Sparrow and the Blue-Eyed Servant Girl”

6 Iron Fist Love Interests in the Comics That You May Not Know

Since it’s Valentine’s weekend, I wanted everyone to get to know five women who have been Danny Rand’s love interests in the comics plus a lesser-known relationship with a certain Avenger that should have lasted longer. Curious? Let’s take a look at who these lovely ladies are! SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoiler material forContinueContinue reading “6 Iron Fist Love Interests in the Comics That You May Not Know”

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